Building COVID_19 Tracker App
I built simple COVID-19 Tracker App. This was good practice to remind some React.js that I learned during the school.

I used 3rd party data website
first create react app with ‘create-react-app covid-19-tracker’
created Header.js and Contents.js components.

needed to install axios to fetch data from API. and chartjs2 library to use chart.

with using ‘postman’ I could see which ‘key’ I can fetch.

I only used ‘Confirmed’, “Deaths’, ‘Recovered’ and ‘Active’ for this app.
I used ‘Bar, ‘Doughnut’, and ‘Line’ from ‘react-chartjs-2’

I used ‘Bar’ chart for the number of ‘COVID-19 Cases’ by monthly.
and ‘Line’ chart for the number of ‘Active’,
and ‘Doughnut’ chart for the comparing between number of Cases, ‘Recovered’, and ‘Deaths’.

when mounted useEffect will be executed. (get method)
async and await allow us to execute makeData( when axios.get is finished.
the reason why I used reduce(acc,cur) is to get only accumulated data at end of the month.

It was hard to understand with deep understanding.
It is just simple tracker.
I will keep update it.
thank you