JS — Call back, Async
JavaScript is synchronous. which mean It execute the code block by order after hoisting.
Hoisting: var, function declaration
look at example below

It printed ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’. synchronously.
but you can change some order here to be printed.
see the below

now it printed ‘1’, ‘3’, ‘2’.
what is going on here is it print ‘1’ first then tell browser to print ‘2’ after 1000 millisecond(1 second) later but they don’t wait until ‘2’ is printed thus it printed ‘3’ then print ‘2’ at the end.
you can use arrow function to make more simple.

Synchronous callback
question. do I need callback function only for asynchronous?
the answer is ‘NO’.
you can use callback for synchronous too. see the below

‘1’, ‘3’, ‘hello’, ‘2’ printed.
what happened inside of JS engine?
hoisting is happened.
function is hoisted. so the logic was like below.

Asynchronous callback

everything is same but ‘async callback’ is printed at the end
see what’s going on in JS engine below

all function is hoisted
line 14, ‘1’ is printed (sync).
line 16 wait for 1 second(async)
line 17, ‘3’ is printed(sync)
line 19, ‘hello’ is printed(sync)
all synchronous are printed
line 16 ‘2’ is printed because 1 second is passed.(async)
line 21, ‘async callback is printed because 2 second is passed(async)
These are simple example of callback and async
Thank you