JS Reminder APIs Quiz2
refer below picture from Q5 to Q10

Q5. Find a student with the score 90
A5: use ‘find’

Q6. make an array of enrolled students
A6: use ‘filter’

Q7. make an array containing only the students’ scores
result should be: [45, 80, 90, 66, 88]
A7: use ‘map’

Q8. check if there is a student with the score lower than 50
A8: use ‘some’

There is one student has score of 45 thus it return ‘true’
Q9. compute students’ average score
A9: use ‘reduce’

Q10. make a string containing all the scores
result should be: ’45, 80, 90, 66, 88'
A10: use ‘map’ and ‘join’

Bonus! do Q10 sorted in ascending order
