JS Reminder2 String concatenation, operators
1. String concatenation
This is something that looks basic but easy to forget. let’s review

line 1: ‘my’ + ‘ cat’ = my cat
line 2: ‘1’ + 2 = 12, (when string + number, number will be changed to string)
line 3 : `string literals: 1+ 2 = ${1 + 2}`(use ${} inside of backtic)
when you want to print youngmin’s book on the console.

‘youngmin’s book’ → it is wrong. it will not be printed.
How do I print youngmin’s book on console? see below
use back slush

console.log(‘youngmin\’s book’) → it will be printed youngmin’s book on the console.
2. Numeric operators

these are pretty basic, just remind it one more time!!
3. Increment and Decrement operators

see the picture above
same as Increment, this is Decrement example. see the below

4. Assignment operators

I will keep post JS reminder 3 for the next story
Thank you