What I learned and felt from Rails Project Golf Tournament Registration
This is my third project.
Times flies! already 3 month passed? since I started this course.
This rails project was most interested project I have built so far.
Requirements 1
Also It’s most hardest one. Rails are kind of similar as Sinatra but there are a lot more than Sinatra.
since I am still leaning and new on rails. I had to spend a lot of time to built applications but I can guess that if you can get used to rails. It’s gonna be great weapon that you can build web app really quickly like MAGIC!
Requirement 2
the most hardest and most time consuming part was Project idea!! that meet this relationship

I have kept thinking and thinking while I was sleeping and even taking a shower.
I think it is because of I am not used to with 3 models structures. I got used to 2 models like has many and belongs to only. but not 3 models. All I know about 3 models was Artist-Song- Genre. but It’s not really factual. It’s kind of ambiguous.
I had to think some great idea something like Doctor-Appointment-Patient.
I have been built projects about golf so far. so I decided to keep the same topic “Golf” this time as well.
after spent few days to think about idea. I decided to make
User-Registration-Tournament. Since I have experience about Golf tournament. It was best fit for me.

Requirement 3

Requirement 4
Scope method

I have added search feature that can search certain registration by age.
also it can be ordered by age as well.
Requirement 5
I wanted to use “devise” gem for User Authentication. but registration is reserved word for “devise” so i had to change name from registration to register. but since there are some conflict crash happened. I changed my plan to use regular User Authentication instead of using “devise”.
Requirement 6
and I have added “omniauth” feature which makes you sign in with 3rd party account like Github, Facebook, or Google.
Requirement 7

this nested resource allow me to use this routes like below

Requirement 8

Requirement 9
Dry dry dry~!! do not repeat yourself!! always
I just reviewed what and how I built my application while writing this blog.
It’s amazing experience. I wish I build another apps like hobbies.
one great thing I found from this project was you can build applications from simple to complex, there is no limits to what you can accomplish using Rails.
Rails are awesome!